
End User Computing

NAMA : Putranto H Nugroho
KELAS : 2 DB 14
NPM : 31108529

End User Computing
End User Computing atau dapat disingkat EUC adalah suatu pengembangan seluruh atau sebagian sistem berbasis komputer oleh pemakai. Dalam EUC, end user dapat menggunakan komputer personal dan berbagai perangkat lunak untuk mencari dan mendapatkan informasi serta mengembangan informasi dan aplikasi yang diperolehnya.

Sebagian besar aplikasi EUC telah dibatasi pada system pendukung keputusan (decission support systems – DSS) yang relative mudah dan aplikasi kantor virtual yang memenuhi kebutuhan perseorangan. Selebihnya adalah tanggung jawab spesialis informasi untuk bekerja sama dengan pemakai dalam mengembangkan :
- Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Manajemen (SIM)
- Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Akuntansi (SIA)
- DSS yang rumit
- Aplikasi kantor virtual yang memenuhi kebutuhan organisasi
- System berbasis pengetahuan.

Akibat dari manfaat tersebut akan menghasilkan pengembangan system yang lebih baik dibandingkan jika spesialis informasi berusaha mengerjakan sebagian besar pekerjaan tersebut sendiri.

Perkembangan End User Computing (EUC) didorong karena faktor-faktor dibawah, yaitu:
- Meningkatnya pengetahuan tentang komputer secara global.
- Banyaknya yang membutuhkan jasa informasi.
- Harga Software yang terjangkau.
- Adanya perangkat lunak jadi.

Pengelompokkan End User berdasarkan kemampuan computer yang dimiliki dapat dibagi menjadi empat golongan,yaitu:
- End User tingkat menu.
End User yang hanya menggunakan menu-menu didalam perangkat lunak jadi yang telah ada dan tidak memiliki keahlian dalam membuat perangkat lunak sendiri.
- End User tingkat perintah.
EU tingkat ini adalah seseorang yang dapat menggunakan perangkat lunak jadi lebih baik dibandingkan dengan EU tingkat menu.
- End User tingkat programmer.
EU tingkat ini dapat mengerti dan menggunakan bahasa pengrograman yang ada dan memiliki keahlian dalam mengembangkan suatu program sehingga dapat menciptakan suatu hal baru.
- Personil pendukung fungsional.
EU yang biasanya menangani penggunaan computer di suatu unit fungsional perusahaan.

Manfaat EUC :
- Beban kerja dapat dialihkan.
Para spesialis dapat mengalihkan pengembangan sistem ke area pemakai sehingga mereka dapat lebih focus pada system dalam lingkup organisasi dan kompleks.
- Kesenjangan komunikasi.
Banyak kendala yang terjadi dalam komunikasi antar user dan spesialisasi informasi telah mengganggu perkembangan sistem sejak awal teknologi komputer. Banyak user yang tidak mengerti tentang teknologi komputer, sedangkan spesialis adalah seseorang yang ahli dalam bidang teknologi komputer. Sekarang, dengan membiarkan user mengembangkan aplikasi sesuai keinginan mereka, maka kesenjangan komunikasi dapat teratasi.

Keutungan dari EUC
Perusahaan dan user dapat mendapatkan keuntungan dari EUC, yaitu:
- Perusahaan akan memperoleh keuntungan dengan memindahkan beberapa muatan kerja dari bagian pelayanan informasi ke bagian end user. Hal ini dapat mengurangi penumpukkan tugas pada bagian pelayanan informasi dan mereka dapat memiliki waktu untuk memelihara system yang telah ada.
- Tingkat keterampilan end user meningkat dalam penggunaan komputer.

Sisi Buruk dari EUC
- Sistem yang buruk sasarannya.
Maksudnya adalah user yang menggunakan dan mengembangkan aplikasi tanpa mengerti benar arah dan tujuan dari aplikasi yang dikembangkannya.
- Sistem yang buruk rancangan dan dokumentasinya.
Minimnya pengetahuan dasar user tentang bentuk umum atau standarisasi rancangan dan tahap-tahap dokumentasi aplikasi membuat user membuat rancangan dan dokumentasi yang sebisanya.
- Peggunaan sumber daya informasi yang tidak efisien.
Sumber daya informasi yang diterima user tidak dapat dimanfaatkan dengan sempurna.
- Hilangnya integrasi data.
Kesalahan user dalam memasukkan data akan membuat user lain menerima data yang salah.
- Hilangnya keamanan.
User tidak memiliki pengamanan atas suatu yang mereka buat, sehingga seseorang dapat dengan mudahnya melihat dan menyalin pekerjaan yang telah dibuat.


Shurelia Story before A.T 1 (part 2)

After the Silver Horn was completed, she was appointed as its controller, and also took control of the Reyvateils that were working on it. However, after this, things began to turn bad, since a lot of strange creatures began attacking the people and became a serious threat for everyone. As a response, Shurelia showed the people the method for creating the Pureblood β-type Reyvateils, and they defeated the strange creatures. This only made things worse afterwards, since the humans began to mass-produce the β-type Reyvateils. Although there were cases where they were made with the aim of helping people, they were majorly being made for warfare, and under these conditions, the most powerful Reyvateil, the Pureblooded β-type Mir, was born.

This was a great offense to all the Reyvateils on Sol Ciel, and Shurelia took it as a betrayal. Shurelia was removed from the control of the Silver Horn, because the humans were planning to install a control system in it and make of Mir its controller, so they could completely control all of the Reyvateils in the world. However, soon after this, the emotions of Mir sprouted, and she began planning how to get rid of her creators, and all of humankind. Once the time was right, Mir blocked off all the systems of the Silver Horn and began causing chaos in the information networks of the Tower through it. The people appealed to Shurelia, and she called for a meeting for trying to return the peace to the world. However, this was just a ruse, since the people seized Shurelia as soon as she entered in the place where the meeting was supposed to take place, and after that, they sent her to an investigation center to apply the same process they had applied to Mir to strip her from her emotions and will. Mir rescued Shurelia from that awful fate, but the measures she took for doing so were so extreme (killing everyone in the investigation center except for Shurelia, and dropping the half of the Wings of Horus in the Sea of Death), that Shurelia, extremely sad, disappointed and angered, declared war to Mir.

However, Shurelia soon understood that she wouldn't be able to defeat Mir, given she was faster in her movements, and had much more power at her disposal. When Shurelia was about to give up, she remembered that Tastiella had offered her help to her, and she called Tastiella. Tastiella sang a song, trapping Mir inside of Grathnode Crystals, but Mir simply transferred her consciousness to the Binary Field of the Tower, turned it into a virus, and resumed her attacks. To counter this, Tastiella and Shurelia designed and built, with the help of the Teru Tribe, the Crescent Chronicle, though this ended requiring the sacrifice of Tastiella for establishing the program that would seal Mir's virus form (codenamed "Shadow"). However, this was insufficient, and they had to appoint the second most powerful Reyvateil in the world (after Mir), the Pureblooded β-type Lune. When she began singing Chronicle Key, Shadow stopped acting, and the world was safe again.

The betrayals that Shurelia experienced during the war and the loss of so many friends led to her decision to not let herself feel any emotions again; for that purpose, she designed, built and donned her Linkage armor, using it to hide her true self. Plus, how evil the people turned, the way they abused of the power of sounds and the Reyvateils, and the breaking of the promise they made were deciding factors for the final decision that Shurelia made after the war: she stripped the world away from the Hymmnos Extract songs, and completely banned the use of Sound Science in the world, as herself pleaded for it when the Covenant of Elemia was signed. However, she designed a new system called Grathmeld in order to compensate that.

Some years before the start of the game, she also placed her trust in Lyner's father, Leard Barsett, and in Kyle Clancy, so much that she even gave to them two of the most important Hymn Crystals of the tower - the Linker and Re=Nation crystals. However, Kyle betrayed that trust and tried to revive Mir, and because of that, Shurelia herself had to banish him from Platina, though he would later return and once more try to revive Mir.


Installation XAMPP for Joomla!

XAMPP is a software to help the user to install and configure a web server. How to install XAMPP:
1. You must download software XAMPP. You can download it here.
2. Double click XAMPP installer.
3. Click Next on the window “Welcome to the XAMPP Setup Wizard”. (Picture 1)
4. Choose your default location and click next. (Picture 2)
5. Then click install and wait until it finish.
6. If the installation has finish, click yes on the confirmation window. (Picture 3)
7. Then click start on the apache and mysql on “XAMPP Control Panel Application”. (Picture 4)
8. Unblock “windows security alert”
9. Congratulation. you finish installing XAMPP


Shurelia Story before A.T 1 (part 1)

Shurelia is the administrator of the First Tower. Although it is well-known that she is a Reyvateil, and a very powerful one at that, the identity of her Reyvateil type is left as a mystery for most of the game. Though she looks cold at first, Shurelia is actually very shy and hides her emotions, as well as being quite clumsy (sometimes she trips and lands flat on her face while chanting spells). She has no sense of direction and often gets lost, even in her own tower. She has a great fondness for bunnies and anything related (dolls, bunny-shaped food, and even bombs and restoring items shaped similarly). Though extremely serious and no-nonsense as her role demands, she later reveals to be desperate in her longing to gain some sort of freedom and have a more ordinary, enjoyable life.

Shurelia is in fact a Reyvateil Origin, and the very first Reyvateil created in the world. Her real name is Eoria (sometimes romanized as Eolia), and she is one of the goddesses that appear in the legends of the Trio of Elemia. The reason of the changing of her name is that her adoptive father, Eleno, had a daughter called Shurelia. However, the real Shurelia was killed in a security failure during the war between Sol Ciel and Sol Cluster some years before Eoria's birth, and after she was born, Eleno saw his daughter in Eoria. Because of that, he kept on calling Eoria by the name of his dead daughter, Shurelia; Eoria eventually got so used to the name that she took it for herself. Eleno was also the person responsible for connecting Eoria/Shurelia to the Tower and appointing her as the Administrator. However, for that, she had to constantly undergo through various extremely painful Install processes, where Eleno had to insert Parameno and Grathnode crystals in her body to connect her to the Tower. However, Eleno showed her the object that was the key for the creation of the Tower, and that was its power source: the Orgel of Origins. Shurelia liked so much the melody it played that Eleno, on her birthday, gave to her an orgel pendant as a present, and even if it couldn't diminish the pain from the Installs, Shurelia said herself that he would do for her beloved father.

However, just a few years later, the Grathnode Inferia catastrophe ensued, and Eleno died trying to regulate the power boosters of the Tower to reduce the damage from the burst of magical power. Shurelia ended being very sad, but she wasn't alone, given that Rovar, one of Eleno's direct subordinates stood by her side, and effectively turned into an older brother for her, and Neath, who was the direct subordinate for the president of Elemia, became her best friend. Shurelia ended becoming part of the Elemia Supreme Council, where she spoke of her plans for the construction of a new sound science system, the Silver Horn, for the sake of the people, but in exchange, she made everyone promise that it, and sound science in general would never be used for warfare again. While she still was busy with the building of the Silver Horn and its many subsystems, she also spent a lot of her time going to the Tail of Reminiscence, and dozing off while looking up to the Horn and the sky, trying in vain to calm her feelings for Neath, which were starting to swell up. One day, a Teru girl approached her asking for food, and after a while, they both were chatting and became friends. This Teru girl was Tastiella de Lu. Some time later, Rovar and Neath began to quarrel about the construction of an airport in the Tail of Reminiscence, going as far to suspend temporarily the construction. This affected Shurelia so negatively that she even stood silent when Neath departed on a journey around the world, from which he would never come back.

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Jacqli's Back Story in A.T 2

After the canonical ending of the first Ar tonelico, Mir (Jacqli), together with Jack, Krusche, and Spica departed for Metafalss. It would be later revealed that Mir aimed to save the world using the theories of Metafalica. Mir never revealed her name to anyone in Metafalss, and she hid herself within a robot she calls "Jacqli". The people around her began to refer to her too as Jacqli, but she never really minded it.

She became acquaintances with Laude, a native of the Third Tower, the Tower of Tyria. Although both of them back then aimed for the Heart of Gaea, Laude wanted the heart so that he would be declared as a hero in the Tower of Tyria. Mir worked with him for a while, until she took the heart for herself after Gaea was created. Unfortunately, the she deemed the heart as "too small" to suit her purposes. She returned the heart to Croix and his party, and joined them as a member.

To aid Croix and his party in their quest to realize their dream of creating Metafalica, Mir provided them insights about their missions, especially about the technology and history of the tower. She also provided them support firepower, something which became useful in the destruction of different obstacles for the party.

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Jacqli's Back Story in A.T 1

Jacqli was known as Mir in Ar Tonelico: Melody of Elemia. Mir is her true name and she was originally created by humans. She was created to have no emotions, as her creators believed that doing so will result in a stronger Reyvateil. However, she developed emotions over time, and created her first song, EXEC_HARMONIOUS/. Mir crafted the song to show her admiration and belief on the human race. This development displeased her creators and, in addition to throwing to the thrash it, and all of the songs she crafted that weren't for battle, she was regarded as a defective product. And not being enough with that, she was set to become the controller for the Reyvateil Control System that humans had implanted into the Silver Horn.

Angered and disillusioned, Mir began to harbor hostile feelings against the humans, until the point in which she seized the control of the Silver Horn and shut down all the outside access from it, to begin hacking the Tower. She also rescued Shurelia from an investigation facility in which she was being experimented on to strip her from her emotions and will. However, given the extreme measures she had taken in rescuing Shurelia, Mir never received any kind of gratitude for it. Instead, Shurelia, the humans, and other reyvateils who refused to defect waged war againt Mir and her forces. The ensuing battles resulted in the destruction of the known civilization and the loss of that period's knowledge and technology.

Shurelia initially started the war as an stalemate with Mir, given that both seemed to have similar power levels. However, as the war progressed, it became apparent that Shurelia didn't have any chance of defeating her, because of Mir's superior singing speed and power, which allowed her to be two steps forward from Shurelia.

So Shurelia finally called her olf friend and current Hoshiyomi (Star Singer), Tastiella, for help, who sung a Teru song to imprison Mir inside of Grathnode crystals. However, this was not enough, given that Mir transferred all of her Soulspace to Ar tonelico, transformed it into the virus "Shadow", and continue hacking and attacking. Finally, having no other means at their disposal, Tastiella sacrificed herself to finish the construction of the magical machine "Crescent Chronicle", while the second most powerful Pureblooded Beta-Reyvateil, Lune, sang the hymn EXEC_CHRONICLE KEY/. to imprison Mir within it. As long as a descendant of Lune (one of her clones) sung Chronicle Key, Mir would remain imprisoned.

However, when the current Hoshiyomi, Misha Arsellec Lune, was kidnapped by Bourd Rade of the Tenba Corporation, Mir began to execute her plans to kill all humans on Sol Ciel and create a utopia for Reyvateils, Reyvateilia. Her first move then was to resume her attack on the tower using viruses. This led to the events of the first game, which resulted in Mir's defeat and her subsequent redemption.

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Cloche's Profile

Cloche Leythal Pastalia (クローシェ・レーテル・パスタリエ, Kurōshe Rēteru Pasutarie) (known as Chroche Latel Pastalie in the Japanese version) is the beloved Holy Maiden of the Grand Bell, the organization Croix works for. She seems haughty, bossy and uptight initially and treats Croix rather poorly at first, but is actually quite weak-willed and pessimistic, often doubting herself and showing to be under an immense amount of stress in later conversations with Croix. She eventually learns to be true to herself and share her feelings, however, as she travels with Croix and his companions. She likes fancy things and stuffed animals called Gergo, and is very fond of children, doting on them deeply (especially Cocona, who proves to have a lot in common with her.) Her Mind Guardian is Infel. Her true name is Leyka Trulyworth (Reika Truelywaath); she is Reisha's true daughter, who was taken from her family when she exhibited I.P.D. symptoms at a young age.

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Luca's Back Story

Luca Trulyworth (瑠珈(ルカ)・トゥルーリーワース, Ruka Turūrīwāsu) (known as Luca Truelywaath in the Japanese version) is a very cheerful girl who was childhood friends with Croix. She works as a Dive Therapist in Rakshek and is extremely knowledgeable in all matters related to Diving and Dive Therapy, being the only one who can heal the I.P.D. Reyvateils that later join Cloche's fan club. She has strange tastes in cooking,her speciality dish is Chalon de Trois and Croix often indirectly calls her quite bad at it. She seems to harbor a lot of secrets under her cheerful exterior, though, proving to be rather pessimistic and angry at times. Her Japanese surname "waath" means "revive" in Hymmnos language.

Luca is actually the adopted daughter of Reisha and Batz Trulyworth, and the child of the 32nd Holy Maiden of Pastalia, Lady Arshe. Her true name is Cloche Leythal Pastalia, but her name was changed to Luca to cover up her identity after Arshe was killed as a result of a conspiracy by Alfman.

At 2 years old, she was taken away from Enna Palace by Batz and Reisha for her own protection, and they had to live hiding and running to keep her safe. Finally, after some time, they finally settled on the town of Mint Ward, where Reisha had another daughter: Leyka. Together, they formed a poor, but very happy family.

However, these times came to an abrupt and sad end when Leyka ended having an IPD outbreak, and was taken away by Dr. Laude and the Grand Bell to be contained. Batz died in this incident trying to save her. This incident ended carving a very deep and uneraseable scar in Luca's psyche. Not even the fact that Croix was adopted by Reisha little after this incident was enough to compensate it.

Later on, she began to suffer more because Reisha chose to act cold and uncaring towards her to avoid hurting her if someday the Grand Bell learned of her true ascendensce and took her away. However, this only worsened their relation, and made Luca's personality cheery on the exterior, but cold and bitter inside.

At 13 years old, she entered to work in a restaurant in the nearby town of Rakshek, but she later decided to leave to become a Dive Therapist, given that she had a very good experience with her first Dive session, even though her mother had forbidden her to do it. This also was motivated because her work on the restaurant was too hard because of the costumers, and she was unable to defend herself if any of them decided to pick on her; and also, because the work as therapist offered a much higher pay. Luca quickly showed her talents being able to create a restricted field in her mind in a few tries, but the training sessions were so hard and dangerous, that she might have died during them.

Around this time, she also began going in dates with Croix, and even if she loved him, their relation was pretty shallow, since she was mostly using him as a tool for getting to Pastalia, getting close to the Grand Bell, and rescuing Leyka. A certain day, Croix came back with news that he was accepted into the Knights of the Grand Bell, and departed for Pastalia. Luca was left behind, awaiting anxiously for the day in which she would be able to go to Pastalia with him.

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Hikaru no Go

+ Hikaru no Go - Forever Dream.Mp3
+ Hikaru no Go - Ending4.Mp3


+ Hinotori - Hinotori.Mp3


+ Hibiki - Shonanyo.Mp3


+ Hanbunnotsuki - Kioku no Kakera.Mp3

.Hack Twilight

+ .Hack Twilight - Travelin Mind.Mp3

Gundam Seed Destiny

+ Gundam Seed Destiny - Ignited.Mp3
+ Gundam Seed Destiny - Reason.Mp3
+ Gundam Seed Destiny - Pride.Mp3
+ Gundam Seed Destiny - Life Goes On.Mp3
+ Gundam Seed Destiny - Boku Tachi no Yukue.Mp3
+ Gundam Seed Destiny - I Wanna Go To a Place.Mp3
+ Gundam Seed Destiny - Wing of Word.Mp3
+ Gundam Seed Destiny - Kimi wa Boku ni Niteiru.Mp3
+ Gundam Seed Destiny - Because You Believe.Mp3
+ Gundam Seed Destiny - Field of Hope.Mp3


+ Gundam - Gackt.Mp3
+ Gundam - Love Revolution.Mp3

Great Teacher

+ Great Teacher - Ending2.Mp3


+ Gravitation - Nittle Grasper.Mp3
+ Gravitation - Sure sure Naruki Setsu.Mp3

Get Backers

+ Get Backers - Barairo no Sekai.Mp3
+ Get Backers - Ichibyou.Mp3
+ Get Backers - Namida no Hurricane.Mp3
+ Get Backers - Unknown.Mp3

Genso Maiden Saiyuki

+ Genso Maiden Saiyuki - Shiciro Hoshi.Mp3

Galaxy Angel

+ Galaxy Angel - Unknown.Mp3

Fushigi Yugi

+ Fushigi Yugi - Yogankerumaeni.Mp3

Full Moon

+ Full Moon - Ending2.Mp3


Full Metal Alchemist

+ Full Metal Alchemist - Brothers.Mp3
+ Full Metal Alchemist - Aishou.Mp3
+ Full Metal Alchemist - Butou.Mp3
+ Full Metal Alchemist - Lost Heaven.Mp3
+ Full Metal Alchemist - Promised Land.Mp3
+ Full Metal Alchemist - Unknown.Mp3
+ Full Metal Alchemist - Yuugure no Aka.Mp3
+ Full Metal Alchemist - Love Reference Book.Mp3
+ Full Metal Alchemist - Kesenai Tsumi.Mp3
+ Full Metal Alchemist - Link KISS Mix.Mp3

Fruit Basket

+ Fruit Basket - Ritsuko Okazaki.Mp3

Flame of Recca

+ Flame of Recca - Unknown.Mp3
+ Flame of Recca - Nanka Sinwase.Mp3



The soulspace of a Reyvateil. It can contains a mixture of memories, personality, characteristics, true nature, scars of the past, and more. The Cosmosphere is composed of levels, from conscious to subconscious, each level with theme. These themes may differ for each Reyvateil, but superficial events are on the deeper levels.

In a typical Cosmosphere, the shollow level contains memories, scars, and personalities, while deeper down are the subconscious characteristics and true nature.

Source : Ar Tonelico Games

Song Magic

Song Magic is created inside a Reyvateil’s mind, and is then manifested and activated in the real world. Hymnos is included as Song Magic in a broad sense. But it is mostly known for attack and healing magic used in battle.

These Song Magic become real when a Reyvateil hosts a strong emotion in her mind. It is hard to create such a strong emotion in the real world (unless from shock of a relative’s death) so there is a system called [Dive], which makes this less difficult. By Diving into the soulspace of a Reyvateil, you can cure their mental wounds and imperfections, allowing them to create Songs much easier.

Source : Ar Tonelico Games

Metafalica Legend

A paradise legend that existed since long ago, during a period called the first era. It is a legend about singing a song that will summon a paradise into this world, allowing the people of Metafalss to live forever in peace and happiness. People then created the hymnos,[Metafalica} to make this come true.

In Metafalss, people have dreamed and worked towards this legend for centuries, it may be because they live on such poor, man-made land that their hopes grow strongest.

Source : Ar Tonelico Games


Metafalss takes its name from a region of the world that had been a prosperous civilization, 700 years ago in the first era. During that time, it is said that Metafalss was famed for its advanced utopian government.

The people of these lands still continue to pass the legends down as tradition and take it as a humble pride. But It is now, merely the name of the region stop a man-made land, without a single plot of earth.

Source : Ar Tonelico Games


Feared as a disease that infects Reyvateils. When Infected, they are uncontrollable, destroying everything around them. There are two symptoms, positive and negative, The positive symptom forces the Reyvateil to unleash song magic, surrounding the area in a sea of fire, often killing herself as well. Those with negative symptom will breakout in a fever and faint. But in this moment, the I.P.D. spreads to another Reyvateil. Creating another I.P.D., which makes the negative symptom worse.

The I.P.D. infection usually breaks out with the maturing of Reyvateil ability. Other than in the case of a negative transmittance. This symptom is a natural I.P.D. breakout, which is congenital and exists from ages ago. When an I.P.D. show signs of a symptom, people are obligated to contact the grand bell and have them contained. This is to protect order in the city, and all citizens have agreed upon this.

Source : Ar Tonelico Games


Final Fantasy

+ Final Fantasy - Sutekidone.Mp3
+ Final Fantasy - Melodies Of Life.Mp3
+ Final Fantasy - Eyes On Me.Mp3

Fate Stay Night

+ Fate Stay Night - Disillusion.Mp3

Eye Shield

+ Eye Shield - Be Free.Mp3


+ Evangelion - Zankokunathensi.Mp3

Eureka Seven

+ Eureka Seven - Himitsukichi.Mp3
+ Eureka Seven - Tip Tap Stip.Mp3


+ Escaflwne - Yoko Kanno.Mp3
+ Escaflwne - Yakusoku.Mp3

Elementar Dread

+ Elementar Dread - Ever Lasting Song.Mp3

El Harzd

+ El Harzd - Bukiyou janakya.Mp3

Edward Elric

+ Edward Elric - Asuhe no Basho.Mp3


+ Dream - Why.Mp3
+ Dream - Get Over.Mp3
+ Dream - My Will.Mp3


+ Dragonball - Dandan Kokoro.Mp3
+ Dragonball - DragonballZ(Opening).Mp3


+ Digicharat - Party Night.Mp3


+ Devilman - Hikari No Nakada.Mp3

Devil My Cry

+ Devil My Cry - Last rag.Mp3
+ Devil My Cry - Whats Up People.Mp3
+ Devil My Cry - Netherworld.Mp3
+ Devil My Cry - Pain.Mp3
+ Devil My Cry - Seidaku.Mp3
+ Devil My Cry - Blue Rose.Mp3
+ Devil My Cry - Under The Sun.Mp3
+ Devil My Cry - Fate Line.Mp3
+ Devil My Cry - Faint.Mp3
+ Devil My Cry - Steep Slope.mp3
+ Devil My Cry - F.O.E..Mp3
+ Devil My Cry - Life Is On You.Mp3
+ Devil My Cry - The Reaper.Mp3
+ Devil My Cry - Dance.Mp3
+ Devil My Cry - Lynchs Mood.Mp3
+ Devil My Cry - Evil Spirit.Mp3
+ Devil My Cry - Victory.Mp3
+ Devil My Cry - Fight.Mp3
+ Devil My Cry - Bullet.Mp3
+ Devil My Cry - d.m.c.Mp3
+ Devil My Cry - Ill Be Your Home.Mp3
+ Devil My Cry - d.m.c Gut(Guitar Version).Mp3
+ Devil My Cry - Future In My Hands.Mp3
+ Devil My Cry - Room Despair.Mp3
+ Devil My Cry - d.m.c Bandver.Mp3

Detective Conan

+ Detective Conan - Anata Ga Irukara.Mp3
+ Detective Conan - Natsu Wo Matsu Sail No Youni.Mp3
+ Detective Conan - Wasurezaki.Mp3
+ Detective Conan - Yume Mita Ato De.Mp3
+ Detective Conan - Step By Step.Mp3
+ Detective Conan - Shoudou.Mp3
+ Detective Conan - Negai Goto Hitotsu Dake.Mp3
+ Detective Conan - Secret Of My Heart.Mp3
+ Detective Conan - Kimi Ga Ireba.Mp3
+ Detective Conan - Growing Of My Heart.Mp3
+ Detective Conan - Happy End.Mp3

Death Note

+ Death Note - The World(TVsize).Mp3
+ Death Note - Alumina(TVsize).Mp3
+ Death Note - L's Theme.Mp3
+ Death Note - Light's Theme.Mp3
+ Death Note - L's Theme(B).Mp3
+ Death Note - Zetsubou Billy.Mp3
+ Death Note - Death Note Theme.Mp3
+ Death Note - Misa Nouta.Mp3
+ Death Note - Dantes Might.Mp3
+ Death Note - The World(Full Version).Mp3
+ Death Note - Alumina.Mp3



People who can emit various super powers by singing. They are all female. They took exactly like humans, except for a mark on their body, called an Installer Point. Reyvateils are born human, bun begin showing sign in their adolescent years.

Whether one shows these Symptoms may depend on their hereditary Reyvateil traits or be triggered by random factors, but they must have that trait inherited as the basic requirement. When the Reyvateil trait breakout, the factor will begin eating at the human life energy, and will kill the host within around 3 months. This is why Reyvateils must be administered life extending agents every 3 months through their Installer Point.

In Metafalss, Reyvateils are a rather respected presence. This maybe because the Metafalica legend requires a Reyvateil and the Maiden is also a Reyvateils.

Therefore, they are supplied with Diquility (Life Extending Agent) by Government agencies.

By living as Reyvateils, life becomes difficult, but you gain the great powers of Song Magic. As trivia, they say the very few Reyvateils created as originals in the beginning, can live more than 100 years without the Life Extending Agents.

Why are men can’t be a Reyvateil? Its because the Y chromosome prevents the presence of the Reyvateil gene, and that’s why men are immune.

Source : Ar Tonelico Games


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