
Jacqli's Back Story in A.T 1

Jacqli was known as Mir in Ar Tonelico: Melody of Elemia. Mir is her true name and she was originally created by humans. She was created to have no emotions, as her creators believed that doing so will result in a stronger Reyvateil. However, she developed emotions over time, and created her first song, EXEC_HARMONIOUS/. Mir crafted the song to show her admiration and belief on the human race. This development displeased her creators and, in addition to throwing to the thrash it, and all of the songs she crafted that weren't for battle, she was regarded as a defective product. And not being enough with that, she was set to become the controller for the Reyvateil Control System that humans had implanted into the Silver Horn.

Angered and disillusioned, Mir began to harbor hostile feelings against the humans, until the point in which she seized the control of the Silver Horn and shut down all the outside access from it, to begin hacking the Tower. She also rescued Shurelia from an investigation facility in which she was being experimented on to strip her from her emotions and will. However, given the extreme measures she had taken in rescuing Shurelia, Mir never received any kind of gratitude for it. Instead, Shurelia, the humans, and other reyvateils who refused to defect waged war againt Mir and her forces. The ensuing battles resulted in the destruction of the known civilization and the loss of that period's knowledge and technology.

Shurelia initially started the war as an stalemate with Mir, given that both seemed to have similar power levels. However, as the war progressed, it became apparent that Shurelia didn't have any chance of defeating her, because of Mir's superior singing speed and power, which allowed her to be two steps forward from Shurelia.

So Shurelia finally called her olf friend and current Hoshiyomi (Star Singer), Tastiella, for help, who sung a Teru song to imprison Mir inside of Grathnode crystals. However, this was not enough, given that Mir transferred all of her Soulspace to Ar tonelico, transformed it into the virus "Shadow", and continue hacking and attacking. Finally, having no other means at their disposal, Tastiella sacrificed herself to finish the construction of the magical machine "Crescent Chronicle", while the second most powerful Pureblooded Beta-Reyvateil, Lune, sang the hymn EXEC_CHRONICLE KEY/. to imprison Mir within it. As long as a descendant of Lune (one of her clones) sung Chronicle Key, Mir would remain imprisoned.

However, when the current Hoshiyomi, Misha Arsellec Lune, was kidnapped by Bourd Rade of the Tenba Corporation, Mir began to execute her plans to kill all humans on Sol Ciel and create a utopia for Reyvateils, Reyvateilia. Her first move then was to resume her attack on the tower using viruses. This led to the events of the first game, which resulted in Mir's defeat and her subsequent redemption.

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