
End User Computing

NAMA : Putranto H Nugroho
KELAS : 2 DB 14
NPM : 31108529

End User Computing
End User Computing atau dapat disingkat EUC adalah suatu pengembangan seluruh atau sebagian sistem berbasis komputer oleh pemakai. Dalam EUC, end user dapat menggunakan komputer personal dan berbagai perangkat lunak untuk mencari dan mendapatkan informasi serta mengembangan informasi dan aplikasi yang diperolehnya.

Sebagian besar aplikasi EUC telah dibatasi pada system pendukung keputusan (decission support systems – DSS) yang relative mudah dan aplikasi kantor virtual yang memenuhi kebutuhan perseorangan. Selebihnya adalah tanggung jawab spesialis informasi untuk bekerja sama dengan pemakai dalam mengembangkan :
- Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Manajemen (SIM)
- Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Akuntansi (SIA)
- DSS yang rumit
- Aplikasi kantor virtual yang memenuhi kebutuhan organisasi
- System berbasis pengetahuan.

Akibat dari manfaat tersebut akan menghasilkan pengembangan system yang lebih baik dibandingkan jika spesialis informasi berusaha mengerjakan sebagian besar pekerjaan tersebut sendiri.

Perkembangan End User Computing (EUC) didorong karena faktor-faktor dibawah, yaitu:
- Meningkatnya pengetahuan tentang komputer secara global.
- Banyaknya yang membutuhkan jasa informasi.
- Harga Software yang terjangkau.
- Adanya perangkat lunak jadi.

Pengelompokkan End User berdasarkan kemampuan computer yang dimiliki dapat dibagi menjadi empat golongan,yaitu:
- End User tingkat menu.
End User yang hanya menggunakan menu-menu didalam perangkat lunak jadi yang telah ada dan tidak memiliki keahlian dalam membuat perangkat lunak sendiri.
- End User tingkat perintah.
EU tingkat ini adalah seseorang yang dapat menggunakan perangkat lunak jadi lebih baik dibandingkan dengan EU tingkat menu.
- End User tingkat programmer.
EU tingkat ini dapat mengerti dan menggunakan bahasa pengrograman yang ada dan memiliki keahlian dalam mengembangkan suatu program sehingga dapat menciptakan suatu hal baru.
- Personil pendukung fungsional.
EU yang biasanya menangani penggunaan computer di suatu unit fungsional perusahaan.

Manfaat EUC :
- Beban kerja dapat dialihkan.
Para spesialis dapat mengalihkan pengembangan sistem ke area pemakai sehingga mereka dapat lebih focus pada system dalam lingkup organisasi dan kompleks.
- Kesenjangan komunikasi.
Banyak kendala yang terjadi dalam komunikasi antar user dan spesialisasi informasi telah mengganggu perkembangan sistem sejak awal teknologi komputer. Banyak user yang tidak mengerti tentang teknologi komputer, sedangkan spesialis adalah seseorang yang ahli dalam bidang teknologi komputer. Sekarang, dengan membiarkan user mengembangkan aplikasi sesuai keinginan mereka, maka kesenjangan komunikasi dapat teratasi.

Keutungan dari EUC
Perusahaan dan user dapat mendapatkan keuntungan dari EUC, yaitu:
- Perusahaan akan memperoleh keuntungan dengan memindahkan beberapa muatan kerja dari bagian pelayanan informasi ke bagian end user. Hal ini dapat mengurangi penumpukkan tugas pada bagian pelayanan informasi dan mereka dapat memiliki waktu untuk memelihara system yang telah ada.
- Tingkat keterampilan end user meningkat dalam penggunaan komputer.

Sisi Buruk dari EUC
- Sistem yang buruk sasarannya.
Maksudnya adalah user yang menggunakan dan mengembangkan aplikasi tanpa mengerti benar arah dan tujuan dari aplikasi yang dikembangkannya.
- Sistem yang buruk rancangan dan dokumentasinya.
Minimnya pengetahuan dasar user tentang bentuk umum atau standarisasi rancangan dan tahap-tahap dokumentasi aplikasi membuat user membuat rancangan dan dokumentasi yang sebisanya.
- Peggunaan sumber daya informasi yang tidak efisien.
Sumber daya informasi yang diterima user tidak dapat dimanfaatkan dengan sempurna.
- Hilangnya integrasi data.
Kesalahan user dalam memasukkan data akan membuat user lain menerima data yang salah.
- Hilangnya keamanan.
User tidak memiliki pengamanan atas suatu yang mereka buat, sehingga seseorang dapat dengan mudahnya melihat dan menyalin pekerjaan yang telah dibuat.


Shurelia Story before A.T 1 (part 2)

After the Silver Horn was completed, she was appointed as its controller, and also took control of the Reyvateils that were working on it. However, after this, things began to turn bad, since a lot of strange creatures began attacking the people and became a serious threat for everyone. As a response, Shurelia showed the people the method for creating the Pureblood β-type Reyvateils, and they defeated the strange creatures. This only made things worse afterwards, since the humans began to mass-produce the β-type Reyvateils. Although there were cases where they were made with the aim of helping people, they were majorly being made for warfare, and under these conditions, the most powerful Reyvateil, the Pureblooded β-type Mir, was born.

This was a great offense to all the Reyvateils on Sol Ciel, and Shurelia took it as a betrayal. Shurelia was removed from the control of the Silver Horn, because the humans were planning to install a control system in it and make of Mir its controller, so they could completely control all of the Reyvateils in the world. However, soon after this, the emotions of Mir sprouted, and she began planning how to get rid of her creators, and all of humankind. Once the time was right, Mir blocked off all the systems of the Silver Horn and began causing chaos in the information networks of the Tower through it. The people appealed to Shurelia, and she called for a meeting for trying to return the peace to the world. However, this was just a ruse, since the people seized Shurelia as soon as she entered in the place where the meeting was supposed to take place, and after that, they sent her to an investigation center to apply the same process they had applied to Mir to strip her from her emotions and will. Mir rescued Shurelia from that awful fate, but the measures she took for doing so were so extreme (killing everyone in the investigation center except for Shurelia, and dropping the half of the Wings of Horus in the Sea of Death), that Shurelia, extremely sad, disappointed and angered, declared war to Mir.

However, Shurelia soon understood that she wouldn't be able to defeat Mir, given she was faster in her movements, and had much more power at her disposal. When Shurelia was about to give up, she remembered that Tastiella had offered her help to her, and she called Tastiella. Tastiella sang a song, trapping Mir inside of Grathnode Crystals, but Mir simply transferred her consciousness to the Binary Field of the Tower, turned it into a virus, and resumed her attacks. To counter this, Tastiella and Shurelia designed and built, with the help of the Teru Tribe, the Crescent Chronicle, though this ended requiring the sacrifice of Tastiella for establishing the program that would seal Mir's virus form (codenamed "Shadow"). However, this was insufficient, and they had to appoint the second most powerful Reyvateil in the world (after Mir), the Pureblooded β-type Lune. When she began singing Chronicle Key, Shadow stopped acting, and the world was safe again.

The betrayals that Shurelia experienced during the war and the loss of so many friends led to her decision to not let herself feel any emotions again; for that purpose, she designed, built and donned her Linkage armor, using it to hide her true self. Plus, how evil the people turned, the way they abused of the power of sounds and the Reyvateils, and the breaking of the promise they made were deciding factors for the final decision that Shurelia made after the war: she stripped the world away from the Hymmnos Extract songs, and completely banned the use of Sound Science in the world, as herself pleaded for it when the Covenant of Elemia was signed. However, she designed a new system called Grathmeld in order to compensate that.

Some years before the start of the game, she also placed her trust in Lyner's father, Leard Barsett, and in Kyle Clancy, so much that she even gave to them two of the most important Hymn Crystals of the tower - the Linker and Re=Nation crystals. However, Kyle betrayed that trust and tried to revive Mir, and because of that, Shurelia herself had to banish him from Platina, though he would later return and once more try to revive Mir.


Installation XAMPP for Joomla!

XAMPP is a software to help the user to install and configure a web server. How to install XAMPP:
1. You must download software XAMPP. You can download it here.
2. Double click XAMPP installer.
3. Click Next on the window “Welcome to the XAMPP Setup Wizard”. (Picture 1)
4. Choose your default location and click next. (Picture 2)
5. Then click install and wait until it finish.
6. If the installation has finish, click yes on the confirmation window. (Picture 3)
7. Then click start on the apache and mysql on “XAMPP Control Panel Application”. (Picture 4)
8. Unblock “windows security alert”
9. Congratulation. you finish installing XAMPP

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